Thank you for supporting our award-winning band program! Your donations to AAHS Bands (via Kadet Krew) are tax deductible!
We accept monetary donations via:
Credit Card (via Square)
For secure credit-card donations, click HERE or use the DONATE button at the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Please make your check payable to: Kadet Krew. Include on the memo: DONATION.
You can mail it to us at the following address:
Kadet Krew
6660 Delmonico Drive
Unit D337
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
If you’d like to receive a receipt for tax purposes, please include a note with your email address and we’ll email you a receipt, or request one and we will mail it to you!
Please note: donations must be used to support the band program as a whole: non-profit regulations do not allow us to accept donations to benefit only one student.