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*use a COMPUTER, if possible, it seems to work better…


If you have pictures you’d like to share with the 2021-22 Season SMUGMUG Galleries, you’re in the right place!

Please note: Photos uploaded to the AAHS band Smugmug account are viewed by others with the password. Photos are free to be shared and downloaded. AAHS Bands use images from Smugmug for sharing on our social media accounts and website, as well as to promote the AAHS band program.

UPLOAD LINKs: (No password required)

Whole Band Upload link

Woodwind Section Upload link

Brass Section Upload link

Percussion Section Upload link

Color Guard Section Upload link

*Please make sure your photos are oriented correctly BEFORE you upload*

2. DRAG and DROP photos into Uploading field

*THIS TAKES TIME.  PLEASE WAIT for the process to upload your photos so you don’t double-post!

*Note: photos shared on AAHS Band/Guard SMUGMUG galleries will be reviewed. Photo content must be about the band, taken in public places (locations where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy), in alignment with FB and best-practice internet posting guidelines, and in keeping with D20 and AAHS school rules. Photos uploaded to the AAHS band Smugmug account are viewed by others with the password. AAHS Bands use images from Smugmug for sharing on our social media accounts and website, as well as to promote the AAHS band program. PHOTOS MAY NOT BE USED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER AND SUBJECTS* *IN KEEPING WITH CURRENT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS

Questions? email